N95 Fit Testing

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Same-Day Fit Test Certification: Ensuring Your Safety and Compliance Before Placement

Accelerating Your Readiness with Same-Day Fit Test Certification

In the hustle and bustle of preparing for your healthcare or industrial placement, don't let fit testing be the hurdle that slows you down. Our commitment to your safety and convenience takes the form of an expedited service, delivering your Fit Test Certificate on the same day as your test. Here's a detailed look into how we manage to ensure your protection without any undue delay.

Get Your Fit Test Certificate without Delays

We understand the pressing demands of time in your situation. With our efficient, streamlined service, you won't have to anxiously wait for your fit testing results. On the same day you complete the fit test, we provide you with a Certificate of Fit and fit test card. This ensures you can start your placement immediately, no hold-ups.

The Importance of Fit Testing for Placement

Each individual's face shape is unique, so a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't cut it when it comes to respirators. Fit testing is a science-backed process that helps identify the right mask or respirator for you. By employing quantitative fit testing, we ensure that when you put on a P2/N95 or reusable respirator, you receive the designed level of protection.

Testing a Range of Masks for Your Placement Needs

If you're unsure which masks need to be tested, we've got you covered. We conduct fit tests on four different respirators, encompassing the range of masks you may require during your placements. This includes the Vic RPP recommended masks, often used by placement hosts, ensuring you are fitted with the correct P2/N95 mask.

Why Test Four Different P2/N95 Masks?

Our strategy of testing four different masks is designed to ensure you find at least one suitable fit. Typically, students will find a good fit with 2-3 of these masks, providing a degree of choice based on comfort and preference. In light of new policies by some placement hosts requiring a minimum of two masks, we test four P2/N95 masks to ensure you can attend your placement without incurring the cost and time of additional fit tests.

Our dedicated approach ensures that you are equipped and ready for your placement with the highest safety standards. Embrace the right fit for optimal protection during your placement.