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Key Grant Changes and PPE Provisions Affecting Aged Care Providers

Understand the recent grant changes for aged care facilities and how the cessation of PPE supply from the Commonwealth opens opportunities for N95/P2 respirator fit testing.

The aged care sector is on the brink of a significant change. Starting from May 1, 2024, the Commonwealth will no longer supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to aged care facilities. In light of these changes, aged care providers must pivot their strategies to maintain the highest level of health and safety standards.

However, this transition period comes with a silver lining. Aged care facilities are being offered a grant of $940 per resident, aimed at bolstering their preparedness for potential future health crises. This grant provides a unique opportunity for facilities to invest in high-quality PPE and fit testing services, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of both residents and staff.

Seizing the Opportunity: Fit Testing for Optimal Protection

With the upcoming discontinuation of PPE provision, aged care facilities must now take charge of sourcing their protective equipment. This is where the crucial process of fit testing comes into play. Fit testing evaluates the effectiveness of respirators, such as N95/P2 masks, ensuring that they provide the optimal level of protection against airborne pathogens.

Gaining Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval for P2/N95 respirators requires the material to meet certain filtration standards. However, this doesn't guarantee the fit or protection level for different face shapes and sizes within your staff. By conducting fit testing, you can verify the proper seal and fit of respirators for each individual, eliminating guesswork and significantly reducing the risk of infection transmission.

The Time to Act is Now

Aged care providers should view these changes not as a setback, but as an impetus to reinforce their PPE strategies. Utilizing the government-provided funds to conduct comprehensive fit testing can lead to a safer environment and offer peace of mind that your facility is well-prepared for any challenges ahead.

Partner with Fit Testing Experts

As industry leaders in PPE compliance and fit testing, we recommend facilities to take proactive measures now. Connect with experienced fit testing professionals who can guide you through the selection of suitable respirators, conduct thorough fit tests, and provide the necessary training for your staff.

Don’t let the cessation of PPE provision catch you off guard. Leverage the available grants to partner with fit testing services today. Ensure your aged care facility is self-reliant, resilient, and ready for the future.

For expert fit testing services, visit and discover how we can help you maximise the grant for your facility's needs.

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Maximising Aged Care Safety with N95 Fit Testing

Learn how N95 fit testing can enhance aged care facility safety, ensure compliance, and utilise government support effectively. Visit for expert fit testing services.

As of May 2024, the landscape of safety and health compliance in aged care will shift significantly. The Commonwealth's decision to cease the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) mandates aged care facilities to proactively seek solutions to protect their residents and staff. Fortunately, the government's initiative to provide $940 per resident for enhanced preparedness comes as a welcome support in these challenging times.

At N95 Fit Test, we understand the critical importance of fitting the right protection to those who need it most. While obtaining Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval for P2/N95 respirators is based on material filtration standards, we recognize that real-world effectiveness is not uniformly guaranteed. This underscores the vital role of professional fit testing services, ensuring that the level of protection promised is the level of protection provided.

The Importance of Proper N95 Fit Testing

N95 fit testing transcends mere compliance with standards such as AS/NZS 1715:2009, NSQHS Standards, and CDNA Guidelines. Our experience has shown that a proper fit is not just a regulatory requirement—it is a life-saving measure. By partnering with over 40 aged care providers, we've seen firsthand the impact of well-fitted respirators: a staggering 40% reduction in disease outbreaks, 70% less staff sick leave, and a 15% decrease in infections. These figures aren't just numbers; they're a testament to improved safety and well-being in our communities.

Don't Waste Resources On Inadequate Respirators

Investing in substandard respirators that don't fit can lead to wasted resources and, more importantly, inadequate protection. Our services don’t just stop at testing; we offer a comprehensive suite of support:

  • On-site Testing: Our skilled team conducts thorough on-site testing of staff, providing you with confidence in your facility's respiratory protection program.

  • Train the Trainer: We empower your team with the knowledge to carry out independent fit testing, ensuring long-term compliance and safety.

  • Equipment Rental: Our rental service equips your team with all the necessary tools for an effective Respiratory Protection Program (RPP).

Convenience and Reliability with N95 Fit Test

Our online booking system simplifies scheduling fit tests for your staff, accommodating all shifts, including night shifts and weekends. After each fit test, we issue Fit Test Cards and certificates, providing a tangible record of compliance and readiness. Additionally, our daily updates and clinic reports keep you informed on the status of your facility's respiratory protection.

Partner with N95 Fit Test Today

Don't wait until the next health crisis strikes. Be proactive and ensure your aged care facility is utilizing government support effectively, maintaining compliance, and most importantly, keeping your community safe. Partner with N95 Fit Test, where safeguarding health isn't just our business—it's our mission.

For detailed inquiries and to book your service, visit us at — your trusted partner in aged care respirator fit testing.

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